Omega Technical Solutions Blog

Omega Technical Solutions Blog

Omega Technical Solutions has been serving the Haymarket area since 2007, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Prepare Yourself for the End of Windows 10

Tip of the Week: Prepare Yourself for the End of Windows 10

The official end-of-support date for Windows 10—October 14, 2025—will be here before you know it. This means you must prepare to transition to Windows 11 as soon as possible, assuming you haven’t already done so.

Here are a few tips and best practices to keep in mind to help make this transition as smooth and painless as possible.

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This Website Tells You What Your Technology’s EOL Date Is


We live in a world where technology is central to everyday life, yet unfortunately it does not last forever. Eventually, your smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, or other device will reach its end of life, or EOL. This is when the manufacturer stops supplying critical updates—including security.

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Tip of the Week: Check When Your Devices Will Reach EOL


Nobody likes the thought of the device they rely on daily suddenly dying, leaving them without a phone, a laptop, a smartwatch, or whatever the case may be. This is why it is important to stay conscious of when these devices are due to reach their end-of-life date, or EOL, when the manufacturer will no longer support them or provide crucial updates.

Fortunately, there’s a resource that makes this monitoring far easier to manage.

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How Soon Do You Need to Upgrade Your Technology?

How Soon Do You Need to Upgrade Your Technology?

We live in an era of constant upgrades. How often do you upgrade your smartphone? Do you give the same attention to your business’ technology? Many users ignore clear signs that it’s time for an upgrade, telling themselves, “I’ll manage just fine.” This mindset can be a problem. Knowing when old devices are slowing you down and upgrading to newer, stronger ones is very important.

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Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Common knowledge states that the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that you should put as much funding as possible into your most essential resources—such as your IT.

This, however, can be a hard sell to yourself or anyone invested in your company… partners and staff included. 

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Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Everyone should soon have access to a very handy feature in Google Sheets that helps close the gap between Sheets and its rival software, Microsoft Excel.

This feature? Simple table conversions, complete with advanced organization features.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

If you are trying to add new tools to your infrastructure, you might quickly find that technology can be a serious challenge for your budget… that is, unless you make some smart investments and decisions about how you implement it. We can help you make the best technology decisions for your business. In fact, here are three strategies you can try to optimize your technology spending.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Technology can get costly, especially if you are looking to integrate new tools into your business’ existing infrastructure. Since this technology is going to play a major role in how your business performs, you need to be vigilant about making the right investments. This week, we thought we’d help by providing three strategies that you should consider when spending on technology. 

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Checking In on Windows 11 Adoption

Checking In on Windows 11 Adoption

Has your business implemented the next iteration of the Windows operating system yet, Windows 11? If not, you’re not alone; adoption has been progressing at a snail’s pace, and according to industry professionals, it’s not going to ramp up for quite some time. Still, recent surveys and polls indicate that Windows 11 adoption is far lower than expected, and there is even some discrepancy between reports.

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Checking a Website's Safety from Its Google Result

Checking a Website's Safety from Its Google Result

Google search is synonymous with searching the internet, but that hasn’t stopped them from constantly innovating the service. One of the most recent updates is to give users more context for the content that returns on search results. This works to protect users from potentially clicking on websites that could contain threats. Today, we discuss this innovation and how it will look to the end-user.

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Tip of the Week: Essential Information Technology Practices

Tip of the Week: Essential Information Technology Practices

Information technology is a critical tool for many businesses today, which means \\it is crucial that your IT is compliant to a few key best practices. Let’s go over these practices so that you have a roadmap to ensure that your operations can remain secure and productive.

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Owning Technology is Like Owning a Pet

Owning Technology is Like Owning a Pet

When a child asks their parents if they can get a dog (or a cat, a hamster, etc.) the typical reply from the parents is usually “you know, owning a pet is a LOT of responsibility…” It might be cliche, but it’s true, and there is a valuable lesson for a kid to learn when adopting a 4-legged friend. Computing technology might not be as cute, but it certainly comes with responsibility and plenty of lessons to learn.

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Windows 7 End of Life Upon Us

Windows 7 End of Life Upon Us

With just days before Microsoft retires two of its most popular operating systems, the quarter of computer users worldwide are at the risk of losing support on January 14, 2020. Therefore, we wanted to take this opportunity to explore the ramifications of an end of support event, and what you can do in response.

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Is it Time for a New Router?

Is it Time for a New Router?

If you own a business today, you use the Internet. Chances are about as good that it plays a key role in your daily functioning, which means you need to be sure that your network is well-maintained and functioning equally well. Here, we’ll go over a few ways you can get an idea of how healthy your network is.

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Windows 7 is Approaching End-of-Life

Windows 7 is Approaching End-of-Life

If you’re reading this on a computer that’s currently running Windows 7, I have some bad news: the End-of-Life date for this version is approaching. What does this mean for your business and the workstations that support it? Read on to find out.

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At Long Last, Windows 7 Users Have to Switch to Windows 10

At Long Last, Windows 7 Users Have to Switch to Windows 10

It wasn’t too terribly long ago that Windows 10 was offered for free to users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. While this offer was constrained to a limited time, the response was surprisingly stagnant. Why didn’t more people jump at the chance to snag the latest version of the operating system - especially when it would come at no cost to them?

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Less than Six Months Left for Windows 7

Less than Six Months Left for Windows 7

Microsoft Windows is a common sight in the modern office, but no matter how great the solution, it will eventually grow outdated and require updates in order to maintain security and efficiency. Businesses often have trouble adjusting to Windows End of Life events, and with a major one just around the corner for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, you need to consider moving away from these solutions if you haven’t done so already.

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Approaching End of Life

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Approaching End of Life

A decade-old version of Microsoft’s popular database software SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 is losing support on July 9,2019. If your business hasn’t moved away from the software, you are looking at a few real pressing problems. Let’s take a look at the software and what options businesses that haven’t moved on from SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server R2 have going forward.

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Tip of the Week: Overcoming the Hurdles of New Solutions

Tip of the Week: Overcoming the Hurdles of New Solutions

As you have likely realized, the technology solutions that power your business today aren’t going to be effective forever. This means that you will at some point need to upgrade this technology - but this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Here, we offer a few tips to help you make it over some of the hurdles that a change to your technology can bring.

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Omega Technical Solutions
5501 Merchant View Square Suite 107
Haymarket, Virginia 20169

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